Community of Compassion
All Ages. All Stages.

Southwood Kids
We are passionate about joining parents to lead children to become disciples. Through age-specific classes and activities, any child at any grade can learn from the Bible about lessons they can apply to their lives.
Teens and Preteens! Jesus changes everything. Will you join us on this incredible journey? We meet up Sundays at 9:30am as well as Sunday nights at 6:00pm.
Small Groups / Sunday School
We are committed to meeting together & encouraging each other through the twists and turns of life. We believe engaging in the Bible deeply together is the calling of Jesus on our lives.Want to get involved?
Contact the church office to volunteer or learn more about any of these ministries!

Caring For Kids KC
We sponsor Southwood Elementary School as community partners through the nonprofit Caring for Kids KC. We support students, teachers, and staff by praying for the school; providing meals for families experiencing food insecurity; volunteering as tutors; giving handmade staff appreciation gifts; and more! Our building has also served as the starting point for the annual Walk To School Day.

Shelter KC
We have a longstanding relationship with Shelter KC. On the fourth Tuesday of each month, we’re blessed to serve dinner at the men’s shelter from 5:15 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

Community Partnerships
Jesus prayed that His Church would be one (John 17:21). That’s why we partner with other local churches and civic organizations such as the Raytown Main Street Association. We participate in city events such as the Raytown Egg Extravaganza and the Mayor’s Holiday Tree Lighting. We do this for the Gospel—to spread the message about Jesus and serve our community.

Child Sponsorship
For decades, Southwood has sponsored children across the globe via Nazarene Compassionate Ministries. Our financial support primarily goes toward clothing and school supplies for the child(ren) of international pastors. Our missions team also exchanges letters with the children we sponsor. This ministry is a great way to embrace other cultures while giving kids the opportunity to attend school.

Faith Promise
In addition to supporting our “in-house” traveling ministers, we sponsor missionaries through our annual Faith Promise weekend—an event that inspires, supports, and engages the mission of Jesus around the world. This special weekend is an opportunity to host and learn from missionaries while raising financial support for their missions.

Alabaster Offerings
Twice per year, we collect a special offering that funds building projects for Nazarene ministries across the world. These projects can include constructing or purchasing church buildings, missionary housing, and more. You can learn more about Alabaster here.